A side table revolution!
Even in name, side tables are marginalized pieces of furniture. They are purely functional, never stand alone, and are usually overlooked.
The Stealth Whimsy Side Table is a conceptual furniture piece that seeks to break out of this standard realm. The table can be completely functional, totally whimsical, or somewhere in the spectrum between. But even at rest, the Stealth Whimsy is never ordinary, always just a moment away from play.

From Side Table to Focal Piece
The idea of a Side Table Manifesto arose from a late-night design brainstorm that circled around the idea that personified side tables might resent the fact that they were designated as support pieces within a set of furniture, rather than focal pieces.
A “Side Table Manifesto” to shake up the living room.
Play, interact, move!
Don’t be held back by your name and exist politely and unnoticed on the fringes: a generic accessory to a sofa!
No longer be a static object that dwells in the background, marginalized by “more important” furniture!
Leave the side lines; throw caution to the wind; be the center of attention!

Concept Model: At Rest
Although its locking mechanism had not yet been designed, when the concept model is at rest, it appears to function as a typical side table would.
Concept Model: At Rest
Although its locking mechanism had not yet been designed, when the concept model is at rest, it appears to function as a typical side table would.

Concept Model: In Action
At any moment, the concept model erupts into action, participating in a side table revolution, refusing to be overlooked.
Concept Model: In Action
At any moment, the concept model erupts into action, participating in a side table revolution, refusing to be overlooked.
A scaled concept model to defend the idea in miniature form.
The initial concept for the Stealth Whimsy had only one axis, with one hidden profile. The 1/4” = 1’-0” scale concept model had no locking mechanism, so conventional functionality was not an option.
Both of these shortcomings were amended in the final prototype, which has four sections, each of which can be locked or unlocked individually.

As a prototype piece, the hidden whimsical profiles are designed to be removable, so they can be iterated and exchanged at will, should different functions or appearances be desired.
Flexible features of a prototype.
As a prototype piece, the hidden whimsical profiles are designed to be removable, so they can be iterated and exchanged at will.

A Pending Revolution
When all the steel rods are in their locked positions, the table functions as any typical table would.
A Pending Revolution
When all the steel rods are in their locked positions, the table functions as any typical table would.

Table Beginning Action
But, at any moment, the user may unlock a section – or all of them – by removing the steel rods and placing them in the corner notches.
Table Beginning Action
But, at any moment, the user may unlock a section – or all of them – by removing the steel rods and placing them in the corner notches.

Table in Action
And, thus, all typical functionality is cast aside, and so begin the spinning revolutions of a Side Table Revolution.
Table in Action
And, thus, all typical functionality is cast aside, and so begin the spinning revolutions of a Side Table Revolution.
A pending revolution... of furniture.
When all the steel rods are in their locked positions, the table functions as any typical table would. But, at any moment, the user may unlock a section — or all of them — by removing the steel rods and placing them in the corner notches. And, thus, begin the revolutions of a Side Table Revolution.
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