Both Emerald Seven principals were formally trained in architecture. This vigorous and formal design education anchors their work to this day.

Branding & identity for an individual, a company, or a movement is a multifaceted endeavor; this collection touches on elements of this complex realm.

Created as proposed projects, for continuing education, or for academic purposes, this collection illustrates conceptual ideas & concepts not formally executed.

Creating great content can be challenging, but, ultimately, it’s worth it to reach and impact your audience how you want to reach them — with intention.

This collection encompasses works, blog posts, and more, representing the varying needs of individuals and brands operating in the digital sphere.
Did we pique your interest?
Let us tell you a little more about who we are, and how we work.
After many years of working together, creative duo Blake Scott & Rachel Simrell Scott love delving deep into the work at Emerald Seven. We love what we do, and we hope that you’ll enjoy working with us!
Our Integrative Design Process
Rather than using a “waterfall” process, we use an integrative design process to consider your design challenge in terms of the whole. We iterate through cycles to reach thoughtful solutions, whether digital, physical, or a hybrid of both. Ask us how an integrative approach can help your project!
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Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have for us about our services, our work, or anything else that’s got you curious.