Branding, Digital
Two Silver ADDYs for Marley Natural at the Local Level & One Advance to Regionals
We are so excited to announce that the Marley Natural International Brand Launch has scored a Silver ADDY for Design/Dev, and another for the social campaign. Bonus: the Design/Dev award picked up Silver recognition at regionals.
March 6, 2015
It’s a winner!
We are pleased to announce that Privateer Holdings and Portent, Inc. won two Silver ADDYs at Seattle's 2015 American Advertising Awards for the launch of Marley Natural! One award for the social media campaign, and one for the design & development of the website! Congratulations!
On the night of the gala...
Just so we're clear, this is Rachel writing this, and, guys, I was not invited to the gala. But I'm just teasing, I didn't expect to be, it's cool. It's more of a post-work industry celebration, anyway... I was just so damn proud of Blake because he put everything into making that site sing, and it's such a validating thing to be recognized for an awesome job well done.
So, what's a gal to do when she's not in attendance, but still wants to experience the moment and/or the gala? She sets up her Social Media Command Center, of course. (And, she supplies her own wine and dinner, thankyouverymuch.) I had my TweetDeck culling columns and columns of different relevant searches and people, I kept an eye on the AAF Seattle's Facebook page, I watched the 15 second acceptance videos, you name it: I was all over it. I knew what was happening before Blake's texted updates even came through.
But, there was one thing I especially wanted, and that was a picture of Blake with one award in each hand. I tasked Portent's other two attendees, Ian and Colin, with securing it, and, let me tell you: I was not disappointed! Ian (@portentint) captured and shared an epic one, much to my excitement. I mean, come on: handsome guy in a blazer, award-winning... Besides, just look at that smile. (Swoon.) He's mine, Ladies & Gents, step down.
And, then, guess what? As pleased as I was to see the double-ADDY shot, I have more good news, folks: there was a photo booth at the gala! Sooo excellent, because these gems all came from it. I'm thinking a top hat is perhaps not Blake’s best look, but that Ian can certainly pull off the pipe. And, Colin might even want to try cultivating a luxurious hipster-’stache, because whether or not we have officially reached “Peak Beard,” that thing’s just a beauty.
So glad these fine gents enjoyed the party. They deserve it! Plus, I had fun watching it all from a distance, through my little command center. Now, I can’t wait to lay my eyes on those shiny objects in person.
Alright, already. Let’s see these awards!
It turns out, these are not your easiest subjects to photograph! Lovely little awards to handle and admire (they have heft and sheen), but to photograph them, it's no simple task!
Not only do you have to wear gloves to keep the finger smudges off, but you need multidirectional lighting to make both the internal engraving and the front panel legible. But, it's doable, especially with ever-handy Photoshop in your back pocket. So, there they are, Silver ADDYs from Seattle's 2015 ADDY Awards. Nice work, you guys.
April 10th, 2015
More good news! We just got word that the design & development of the Marley Natural website won a Silver ADDY at the regional level as well! (District XI, covering Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon & Washington.) That means it's moving on to Nationals! Fingers crossed!
And, one more thing. It turns out that we took those glamour shots too soon: apparently, the job was botched, and new, much-improved ones will be delivered to the winners ASAP. (And here I was, fixing the crooked panels in Photoshop... Oh well.) At any rate, as soon as we get our hands on them, we'll have a new photoshoot and get some updated pictures up here for your viewing pleasure.